Starting your shift

On the top left side of the moderator panel you have the option to “Start Shift”, this will start your shift (If you cannot start you shift make sure you have the right permissions on the moderator panel).

Going on Break

Once you started your shift, there will be two other buttons that show, the orange button “Start Break” will start your break, going on break will continue your shift but allow other members of your staff team know that you are not currently moderating.

Ending your Shift

When you are on shift you can easily end it at anytime, but click the red “End Shift” button which will be under your “Start Break” button.

Force ending someone else’s shift

To force end someone’s shift, you will need the Manage Shifts permission on the dashboard, if you have this person you can easily hover over someones discord profile picture on the top left side of the panel and click on it to force end their shift or break.

Viewing pasts shifts

To view past shifts, Press the Button that says “View My shifts” on the left side of your screen and select the activity wave.