Melonly ER:LC API Linking

To be able to use any of the following features you need to have linked your ER:LC API, find out more about linking your ER:LC API by clicking me.

Toolbox Contents

ER:LC Member Check

What is the ER:LC member check?

The ER:LC member check is Melonly comparing discord members to those in-game, additionally check if a user is Roblox linked with Melonly as well their username to confirm being in the discord or not.

Pop-up information

On the ER:LC member check pop-up you can view the following;

  • How many users are in your ER:LC private server
  • How many users are in the discord
  • How many users who aren’t in the discord
  • How many staff members in your ER:LC private server (including those who aren’t on shift)

Also it will provide you with the users name, ID and other basic information.

ER:LC Vehicle Check

What is the ER:LC vehicle check?

The ER:LC vehicle check is Melonly grabbing information from the ER:LC API, this checks against your restricted vehicles, it also displays what livery the vehicle has on it.

Pop-up information

On the ER:LC vehicle check pop-up you can view the following;

  • How many vehicles are in your server
  • How many users are driving unrestricted vehicles
  • How many users are driving restricted vehicles

Also provides you with all the basic roblox information of who is driving the vehicle.

Run Command

You are able to run any ER:LC command (other than view) with the Virtual Server Management (VSM), you can do this under the Run Command button, once you’ve click it, it’ll present you with the VSM.

What is the VSM?

The Virtual Server Management feature allows users to execute in-game commands directly from the Melonly Website, accessible via both the Dashboard and the Mod Panel.


Join/Leave Logs

With the ER:LC API you can see the Join/Leave logs of your ER:LC Private server right from the Melonly panel! This is easy if your just to busy to hop into your ER:LC server and just want to know what it’s looking like.

Kill Logs

Kill logs, in kill logs you’ll be presented by everyone who has been recently killed within your ER:LC private server. It’ll provide you with all the basic roblox information from both parties.

Command Logs

In command logs, it’s exactly like your in-game command logs but just on Melonly! Here you can properly see all commands used within your ER:LC private server. Good for those times when you don’t have time to join your ER:LC server and just need to check something out.

Modcall Logs

The ER:LC API unlocks the usability of viewing all your modlogs within the Melonly panel, it’ll provide you with all the basic roblox information of who executed the “!mod/!help” command.