Common Questions

Does Melonly have a Discord Bot?

Yes, Melonly has a Discord Bot! You can invite it here. The bot allows discord servers to link to Melonly server for roles, nicknames and channel integrations!

Is Melonly a paid service?

Melonly offers a free tier and a paid tier called Melonly Plus.

How do I important my existing moderation logs?

You can import moderation logs from Trident. To start this, open a support ticket where a member of the team will be able to assist you.

How can I become a staff member for Melonly?

Melonly seeks individuals aged 16 years and above to join the Staff team. If you’re interested in becoming a staff member, you can apply through the link in the ⁠news channel.

Note: Melonly is not currently hiring

Melonly Debugging

My log says “Could not find user/Unknown User”, What does that mean?

If a log shows “Could not find user/Unknown User”, it indicates that the user who created the log is either no longer registered with Melonly or hasn’t signed up yet. Unfortunately, there is no way to fix this unless the user signs up for Melonly.

Melonly is Missing Permissions

If you encounter a “Missing Permissions” error after saving a Discord logs channel, make sure to grant the Melonly bot the “Send Message” and “View Channel” permissions for that specific channel. Once done, save the channel again.

Why don’t I see anything in the “types” field on the moderator panel?

If you don’t see any log types in the “types” field on the moderator panel, it means you don’t have permissions for any specific log types. Please have your server administrator configure your roles and permissions to grant you access to specific types.

How can I get a player’s ID from autocomplete?

When entering a valid username, the player’s avatar will appear on the right side of the username input. Click the avatar to copy their ID.

How do I set up commands with the Discord bot?

You can follow the guide on setting up the Discord bot for your server here.

Can the bot and the moderator panel be used at the same time?

Yes, both options can be used simultaneously.

How do I force-end another staff member’s shift?

Staff members with the “Manage Shifts” permission can click on another staff member’s avatar on the moderator panel to end their break or shift.

Why does my shift keep ending by itself?

  1. If you are using the web-based moderator panel, you may have “End Shift on disconnect from panel” enabled. This will end your shift if you close the page.

  2. Your server’s administrator may of have enabled ER:LC shift features. If you’re no longer in game your shift will be ended automatically. If you are in game, and your shift is still ending automatically, you may not of have linked your Roblox account to Melonly. You can do this here.


What is the affiliate program? How do I join?

The Melonly Affiliate Program recognizes servers that use and support Melonly. Requirements of the Melonly Affiliate Program;

  • Ensure that one representative from the server submits the application (Preferably the owner)
  • Has been using Melonly for at least 2 months
  • Has a minimum of 5,000 Discord Members
  • Have at least 20 staff members within your Melonly server
  • Must have a good reputation within the ERLC community

If you meet these requirements you can apple here.

Server Directory;

My ER:LC Server got approved, but it isn’t on the directory?

If your ER:LC server has been approved but doesn’t appear on the directory, it could be due to cache. Please allow up to 20 minutes for it to appear.

Where can I find the server directory?

You can access the server directory at

Where can I apply to be listed in the server directory?

To apply for inclusion in the server directory, visit