On the Melonly Dashboard, Melonly offers an activity page, which consists of settings for your activity waves, users shifts, member activity, and the activity leaderboard.

Activity Waves

Under the activity page you have access to activity waves, here you can edit/change your activity wave duration, hours required and the timeline of your activity wave. Here you can also end the currently activity wave and a delete a activity wave, these actions cannot be undone.

Activity Wave Duration

Here you can decide how long should ana activity wave last (in days), you can also leave this empty if you don’t want a duration.

Hours Required

You can select a ‘quota’ or hours required a staff member must meet per activity wave. Leave this empty to have no requirement.

Ending and deleting Activity Waves

You can end or delete any wave at anytime, you can find the two buttons at the bottom of the page and it will pop a small UI confirming your actions, remember this cannot be undone.


On this tab of the Activity page you can find settings to change the max on shift, shift types and the basic shift overview of the selected activity wave. You can even create a shift if a staff members forgets to start their own shift.

Max on Shift

Here you can select how many users are allowing to be on shift at once, you can leave this empty if you want unlimited users to be on shift at once.

Managing Shift Types (Melonly Plus)

If your server has a current subscription to Melonly Plus you can multiple shift types, prompting the user to select a different shift type, you can use this for a “50/50 Shift”, use your imagination!

Creating a shift

To create a shift head over to the Activity page and go to the Shifts tab, you can then find the button that state Create shift.

This will then prompt you with a popup, from there you need to enter the Melonly member, shift type, shift start date/time, and the shift end date/time.

Member Activity

In member activity, you have access to see a Specific Staff members Shift Data from any Activity Wave. It’ll give you all data from the Activity Wave on the specific Staff member, you can also see all the users modstats which can help you out find the performance of the user.

Activity Leaderboard

In the activity leaderboard, you can see all Staff members’ shift times, and where they are on the leaderboard. You also may switch the Activity wave to see the leaderboard from whatever activity wave you chosen.