The Applications feature is a streamlined way of easily creating forms/applications for any purpose. It is packed full of configurations - the ability to give roles upon being accepted, able to join a Melonly server directly, ability to “stage” applications, comment on them and so much more!

So why should I use Melonly applications instead of Google forms?

Google forms is a popular option for most ER:LC Private Servers, however, it was not designed towards them. For example input options are quite limited; users have to manually write down their information such as discord name and Roblox name. This is very slow for everyone and is not very user-friendly - this is what makes Melonly Applications different. With Melonly you can automatically collect their discord and Roblox information when they submit the application.

That sounds very cool, can it get any better?

Melonly applications are designed with built in requirements, for example you can require people to have a discord role, be in your server for a certain amount of time or not exceed an amount of modlogs in your server.

Creating an Application

To create an application first head to the application page on the dashboard. There you can create an application and give it a name - don’t worry this can be changed later.

Next let’s add some questions! Press the plus icon in the center of the screen to add a question. Questions are the base of any good application which is why we offer multiple types:

  • Short Text (for basic question responses)
  • Long Text (Where you intend the responder to write paragraphs of information)
  • Number (Self Explanatory)
  • Multiple Choice (Select 1 out of many prewritten options)
  • Checkbox (Select multiple out of many prewritten options)
  • Drop-down (Same as multi choice but it’s a drop-down instead of a list)
  • Linear Scale (Select option on scale, eg “Rate this server from 1-5”)
  • Date (Day on a calendar)
  • Time (Time in a day)

You can also section off specific questions, wish to seperate discord/game moderation questions? Simply click the plus icon in the center of the screen and add the sections you desire!

Application Responses

Under the responses tab on the selected application you can see pending, staging, approved and denied applications. You can search for responses too if you just needed to find that one application amongst many.

When you receive a response you can view the following information;

  • Who submitted the application

  • Server join date

  • Users discord ID

  • When their discord account was created

  • What roles they have within the discord server

  • If you turn on Roblox Data Collection you can see all their Roblox information including all the users previous punishment logs within the server.

When reviewing the application you can add comments onto it, comments can only be seen and created by application reviewers and server administrators, keeping it private from the user who submitted the application.

You can also delete application responses!

Application Settings

Basic Settings

Under the settings tab of your selected application you can do the following;

  • Copy/Find your application link (You can share this link to individuals to fill out your application)
  • If the application is currently accepting responses
  • Stage your responses (When approving or denying responses, responses will go through a staging phase. Responses in the staging phase can be finalized and released at once.)
  • Join the Melonly Server on approval (When approved, the user will automatically become a member of your Melonly server, without needing additional approval.)
  • Collect Roblox Account Data (Users applying will be required to log in with their Roblox Account.)
  • Editor Roles (so in addition roles with administrator, what roles can edit this application and review responses?)
  • Review Roles (add roles here that you want to be able to review and respond to applications, but not change application settings.)
  • Max Logs (If a user has this many or more moderation logs, they will not be allowed to apply. Must collect Roblox accounts to enable feature.)
  • A cooldown (Duration user must wait in days to apply again after being accepted or denied)

You can also make this application yours by adding your own personal style to it, you can change the colours and add/upload a application banner!

Discord Integration Settings

With discord integration set up you can adapt this application even more. You can do this by;

  • Giving roles on approval
  • Removing roles on approval
  • Giving roles on denial
  • Removing roles on denial
  • Required Roles (Role which a user must have in order to apply)
  • Blacklist Roles (Users with these roles will not be permitted to apply)

Furthermore you can; add a events channel where Melonly will notify you to events related to application responses, add a results channel where Melonly will post the application results inside and also select the minimum discord member age (Duration a user must be a member of your discord server in order to apply).

Danger Zone

Inside the Application danger zone you can delete all responses (This action can not be undone) and also delete the whole application (all associated data including responses and settings will be deleted, this action cannot be undone).