Discord Integration, a useful Melonly feature to fully integrate Melonly with your desired discord server, it’s usefull to set up shift logs, moderation logs, LOA logs, voters channel, and much more!

Setting up Discord Integration

Firstly navigate to the Discord Integration page on your Melonly Dashboard, then select a discord server available on the page, now you have three available tabs to truly integrate Melonly to your discord server. Once you integrate a channel with Melonly it will send a embed to that specified channel stating what you integrated.

Once linked your discord integration page should look like this;

Discord Integration Channels

Linking channels to discord allows you to more easily mange your server and view events that happen on the website in discord.

  • Shift Logs (Channel where shift events get sent to (e.g shift is started, on break, or ended))
  • Moderation Logs (Channel where log events get sent to (e.g log is created, edited or deleted))
  • Leave of Absences (All LOA events will be submitted here)
  • Voting (Channel that will announce when someone votes for the server)
  • Reviews (Channel that Melonly will announce when someone reviews the server (with the review))
  • Audit Logs (Audit Logs events that happen within the panel)