Creating a new role

When creating a new role for your Melonly Dashboard you can create your own name, you can always change this later! If your server has Melonly Plus you can link a discord role that automatically adds them to your Melonly Dashboard.

Role permissions

With all Melonly Roles you have basic permissions, here are some of them below;

  • Warn (can create warning logs)
  • Kick (can create kick logs)
  • Ban (can create ban logs)
  • Ban Bolo (can create ban BOLOs)
  • Note (can create notes of specific users)
  • Administrator (can create all log types, accept/deny join requests, server settings etc.)
  • Edit Log (can edit a user logs)
  • Delete Log (can delete a users log(‘s))
  • Reset previous Punishment Count
  • Hide logs (can hide logs from being seen by a user, only if this feature is enabled in settings (Allow Users to See Logs))
  • Delete Action (allows the user to delete executed actions)
  • Manage Shifts
  • ER:LC Moderator (gives them permissions to use ER:LC mod with Virtual server management if the server has their API linked)
  • ER:LC Administrator (gives them permissions to use ER:LC administrator with Virtual server management if the server has their API linked)
  • ER:LC Co-Owner (gives them permissions to use ER:LC co-owner with Virtual server management if the server has their API linked)

If the server has Melonly plus you can customize your permissions even more by adding the member to see specific pages on the dashboard, you can see the permissions listed below;

  • Settings page
  • Members page
  • Roles page
  • Activity page
  • Reminders & Actions page
  • Discord integration page
  • Applications page
  • Manage LOAs page
  • ER:LC integration page
  • Audit logs page
  • Server Directory page

Role hierarchy

Melonly roles system uses the same as the discord role system, if a role is above a role it holds more “power” within the Melonly Server. Users of the same role hierarchy cannot accept each others LOAs etc.

Editing Roles

Once a Melonly Role is created you can also go back and edit the Role, everything you selected when creating the role can back changed, even the name!

Deleting a role

You can always a delete a role if the role is no longer needed, remember this action cannot be undone. It also removes everyone that has this role.